
Common terms

Term Definition
Angular CLI A tool used to create, manage, build and test Angular project using the command line interface. It's simple, intuitive and fast. Here you can find more info.
Angular component Is a special kind of directive that uses a simpler configuration which is suitable for a component-based structure. This makes it easier to write an app in a way that's similar to using Web Components or using the new Angular's style of application architecture. All the components are linked with each other using a Component Router.
AngularJS Node.js framework created by Google designed to build powerful SPAs. Here's a link to the official page.
FOAF "Friend Of A Friend"angul), a RDF vocabulary we use to represent the social links between SOLID users.
Linked Data It is the way SOLID connects different POD's resources. Those links are typed, this means that they contain additional information.
MVC "Model View Controller", AngularJS framework architecture. It separates the logic, data, and user interface into different modules.
Node.js An execution environment for Javascript built with the Javascript V8 motor of Chrome. More info can be found in the official page.
npm "Node package manager", is an utility used to install any package/library available at its webpage and to be used with Node.js environment.
RDF "Resource Description Framework", a framework to represent linked data.
Service Related to AngularJS, it is the bridge between the user interface and the domain data
SOLID Solid (derived from "social linked data") is a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized social applications based on Linked Data principles.
SOLID POD A container that holds all the personal data of a SOLID user.
SPA "Single Page Application", a web page application that does not need any reloading or links, everything is contained in a single page. The idea is to mimic a desktop app.

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